Dental Monitoring: the rules
Feb 29, 2024

Dental Monitoring: the rules
Dental Monitoring Scans are a bit like magic, aren’t they?
Not so long ago the idea of not having to go into your orthodontist’s clinic for your check-ups would have seemed unthinkable, but now your team of clinicians can watch every move your teeth make remotely!
Having said that, we may be able to do magic but we can’t work miracles so you need to help us out by doing your bit, too. Here are a few basic Rules for Dental Monitoring your orthodontist wants you to know.
1. Do your scans regularly. We are orthodontists, not time travellers; we can’t help your teeth in the past. If the last scan we’re seeing is 6 months old, that’s no help to you or to us. So do us a favour and don’t be a DM stranger!
2. Download the app and do it properly. Please don’t randomly WhatsApp us photos of you baring your teeth – it can look quite threatening when we first pick up the phone.
3. Use the cheek retractor provided. Don’t use anything else. A mouthpiece from your game of ‘Speak Out’ or a couple of clothes pegs is not an adequate substitute and we won’t get the best view of your gnashers. And if you do try this, please know that we will laugh at you and pass the photo around the team.
4. Don’t eat a spinach sandwich just before doing your DM scan. We want to see your teeth, not your lunch.
5. Don’t get creative with your Smartphone. Simply place it in the scan box as directed and don’t muck about any further <looks sternly at you>. If we want rabbit filters or Star Wars memes layered over your photos, we’ll let you know. (We won’t).
6. Make sure the light is good. We can’t tell much about your teeth’s progress if the pictures look like you took them in Hollister.
7. Ensure your teeth are visible. If your tongue is in front of them, that’s no good. And it doesn’t look sexy either. Also, please remember that when the instructions say ‘mouth closed’ that just means your teeth, not your whole mouth. Though if you can manage to close your lips around the cheek retractor, we’re kind of impressed.
8. DO keep your scan pics and at the end edit them all together to music. It’s SO COOL seeing your teeth move!
You can find out everything you need to know about Dental Monitoring on our website, or book an appointment and come in for a chat about all things Invisalign.